MenuForum NavigationForumActivityLoginRegisterForum breadcrumbs - You are here:ForumAres Alpha: Mobile AppClear created gamesPost ReplyPost Reply: Clear created games <blockquote><div class="quotetitle">Quote from <a class="profile-link highlight-default" href="#">Stewball</a> on August 26, 2024, 4:01 pm</div>Hey Macgyver, The moment you invite a device to join a team they are linked to the event, however, they will not share their live location until the game has been started by the game master on his phone/device. The only devices that do show up while the game is off are Game masters, Referees and the Ares Tactical Props (such as the ATB Pro and Mini), just know that it has been a while since I have seen a full event so this information may not be 100% correct If you have two devices added to the event but not on the same team, they will not be able to see each other regardless if the game is on or off (unless the game is on and a UAV perk has been activated, only then will the team that has the active perk will be able to see the other side) Once the game has been started by the game master, they can see all players on the map from either their mobile device from the Ares Alpha app, you can also view the event from the website by navigating to the gameplay tab, go to "My Events", next go into the "edit" menu of the event currently active, and selecting the binocular icon (labelled as "view event", this can be found in the "Share" tab which is the final tab inside the edit menu) which will show the event as a spectator, it won't add an icon to the map but it will show all users on the map and the current status of the mission. Even though you did not start the event and only viewed/created it from the mobile app, it is classified as an event with a player in it, therefore it cannot be removed Hope this helps, Stew</blockquote><br> Cancel